How to stop start-up programs windows 7
You might have been seeing some programs that start up when your computer is in the process of finishing booting. This happens when a software application is being installed. You get a notification to allow the installed application to start up after installation is completed. To stop this from happening, we have to look at the various techniques used to stop a program from starting up on a windows 7.
How to stop start-up programs windows 7
* First click on the start all menu icon on your windows 7
* On the search icon type the word "msconfig", to display the config application
* Click on the msconfig icon to open it.
* From the tabs on the top of the icon, click on start up to see all programs that start up with your pc.
* Uncheck the icons on the left of the programs that you wish not to start up as your computer boots.
* Click on apply to save the settings.
Note: This change will require you to restart your computer before the change will be effective.
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