Adding Two Trend Lines in excel update
You can track the trends in the data with trend lines once you have created a chart with a set of data. Learn how to add two trendlines to Excel on Windows and Mac in this post. It is not uncommon to want to find out the general trend of your data when plotting it in a graph. Trendlines are an easy way to do so. Fortunately, newer versions of Excel make inserting a trend line very easy. In reality, many simple changes make a significant difference, and I'm going to share them with you now.
The best way to add a trendline to Excel
The process of adding a trend line is easy in Excel 2019, Excel 2016 and Excel 2013: Click anywhere in the chart to select it.
You can insert the default linear trendline (the vertical line) by checking the Trendline box on the right side of the chart (the cross button).
Choose More Options by clicking on the arrow next to Trendline. This will open the Format Trendline pane in Excel, where you can view and select the various trend line types available. Excel will automatically choose the Linear trendline. Optionally, you can also display the trendline equation.
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