Karen McClain Obituary, Passed Away at age 51 peacefully

Karen McClain Obituary - On Thursday, March 1, 2012, Karen McClain, who was 51 years old, passed away in Childress. The funeral services will be held at Parkview Baptist Church on Monday, March 5, 2012 at 2:00 PM. Pastor Don McFarland and Reverend Randy Wilson will preside over the arrangements. At Kirkland Cemetery, the interment will take place. On the evening of Sunday, March 4, 2012, from six o'clock until nine o'clock, there will be a visitation held at Johnson Funeral Home. Childress was the location where Karen McClain was born on March 4, 1960. 

Her parents were Troy Lee and Shirley Ann Maxwell. While she was the proprietor and operator of Karen's Detail for more than twenty years, she received her education from Childress schools. As a result of Karen's marriage to DeWayne McClain on September 7, 2007, two families officially became one. Mrs. Karen was a loving and devoted mother and wife. All of the people she came in contact with became her friends, and she was a wonderful religious woman. Taking care of her flowers and gardening were two of Karen's favorite hobbies. She had a deep affection for both her husband and her family. Every spare moment that she had, she devoted to spending with them. 

For the sole purpose of spending time with DeWayne, she cherished the opportunity to ride the tractor with him. Both Karen's father, Troy Maxwell, and her brother, Bryan Maxwell, passed away before she did. Some of the survivors are: Mr. DeWayne McClain is the husband. She is known as Shirley Maxwell. Dustin McInturf, the son, and his bride-to-be LaDonna Willis and her husband are Sheri Thomas's daughters. Natasha Watts and her husband Hoss are Sheri Thomas's daughters. Casey McClain is the daughter of Danny who McClain, Kirk, is the son. Grand Child - Eleven Grandchildren there are. Barbara Taylor and her husband are the sister. There are three nephews named David: Keith, Michael, and Josh. Shane Harris, Debra, and Michelle Shane Harris In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions can be made to the Kirkland Cemetery Association, Childress Hospice, We Can Care Childress, or Parkview Baptist Church.

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