Masuimi Max Obituary - In her home in Las Vegas, on Thursday (January 25), the actress and model Masuimi Max, who was best known for her appearances in major publications such as Playboy and Maxim, passed away earlier this week. It was reported by the police that they received a call prior to 11:30 am Eastern Time, which prompted emergency first responders to arrive at her residence. She was 45 years old when she passed away, and she was scheduled to make an appearance at a Vegas Chaos anniversary event that was going to take place at The Dive Bar on January 27.
When it comes to Max's death, the investigators have stated that they do not suspect any kind of foul play; however, the actual cause of death may not be determined until after the investigation has been completed.
Masuimi Max made appearances in a number of well-known magazines throughout the course of her career, which began in the year 2000. These magazines included Alt Magazine and Bizarre Magazine. During the latter part of the 2000s and the early 2010s, she is most well-known for her appearances in hit-up events at the Playboy Mansion and photos that she took for Playboy -- MM.
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