Donald Wright Obituary - As a result of a collision that occurred in the vicinity of the intersection of Lyndon Lane and Westport Road, the identity of the person who passed away as a consequence of the incident has been officially confirmed.
At the location of the collision, the neighborhood was the setting.
According to the information provided by the coroner, Donald Wright, who was 35 years old, sustained blunt force trauma as a consequence of the collision that occurred on Monday.
The unfortunate event took place on Monday.
The catastrophe took place on Monday of this week. It appears that the collision took place at approximately 12:25 p.m., according to the information that was provided in the report that was provided by the Lyndon Police Department.
As soon as it was discovered that Wright had passed away at the scene of the accident, it was decided that he had died there. This decision was made shortly after the accident.
In the Graymoor/Devondale neighborhood, the collision took place at the intersection of St. Matthews and Lyndon, which is located near their intersection.
Remember that this is also the location of the intersection, which is where the accident took place. This is an important fact to note.
There were a few vehicles that were involved in the collision, as stated by the police, and one additional person was transported to the hospital to receive medical attention for their injuries.
To add insult to injury, there were additional individuals involved in the incident.
The Lyndon Metropolitan Police Department is currently conducting an investigation, and the Lyndon Police Department is providing assistance to the Lyndon Metropolitan Police Department.
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