Jack Motley Obituary - It is with deep sorrow that we must inform you of the passing of the esteemed author Jack Motley. As a devoted family man, enthusiastic karate practitioner, horse enthusiast, and grandfather, Jack left behind a legacy that was characterized by love, strength, and unwavering devotion. The intense love that Jack had for horses, as well as his passionate discussions about a variety of sports, played a significant role in the development of his vivacious personality.
Not only was he an excellent karate practitioner, but he also won the title of grand champion on multiple occasions, the most notable of which was in the Battle of Atlanta III Competition in 1972. Jack's dedication to martial arts was not only demonstrated by his own achievements, but also by the hundreds of others that he instructed across the United States. Of particular significance to him was the time during which he was able to leave an indelible mark on the minds of the children residing in Pensacola, Florida, through his teaching.
Jack fought against karate greats who had gone on to become Hall of Famers; he was also a co-founder of the South Eastern Karate Association. This demonstrated his dedication to the art that he cherished. The fact that Jack served his country with distinction as a veteran of the United States Army can be interpreted as a testament to his bravery and dedication. The morning of January 31, 2024, Jack Motley passed away peacefully in Biloxi, Mississippi. He had been born in Mississippi.
Those who had the good fortune to have known him will grievously miss him following his departure from this world. Jack's extraordinary journey, which had a profound effect on a considerable number of people, had an effect on thousands of people.
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