Hunter Myers Obituary - Hunter Arthur Myers was born on October 29th, 1993 in the city of LaGrange, Illinois, in the United States of America. Myers and Cassandra (Yahn) Neeb are the parents of Hunter, who is their son. Hunter is their second child. The Grace Christian Home School was the institution from which he graduated with his diploma. In addition to having a mild and gentle demeanour, Hunter possessed a profound affection for the Lord. Both Stewart Road Christian Ministries and Elevate Church in Monroe, Michigan were the places of worship that were able to supply him with the necessary spiritual sustenance that he required.
Hunter, a young man with a wonderful sense of humor, took great pleasure in being ridiculous for the sole purpose of bringing a smile to the faces of other people. It brought him great joy to create new memories with his loved ones and friends. Even though the majority of people knew him as Hunter, one of his aunts affectionately referred to him as "Ham" because his initials were Ham. Hunter had a deep affection for Yoda, a passion for Star Wars, and a preference for Japanese restaurants as his preferred dining establishment. In addition to that, he enjoyed going to the movies and eating at his favorite Japanese restaurant from time to time.
In addition to his other interests, which included sketching, painting, and photography, he taught himself Japanese all by himself. Hunter was someone who delighted in being outside, and he especially enjoyed being outside when it was raining. There were many activities that he enjoyed doing, such as spending the day at the beach, going for a ride on his bike, or even just driving his car. Throughout his spare time, he was frequently observed engaging in the activity of playing video games with his canine companion, whom he referred to as "Grace."
On Tuesday, May 12, 2015, Hunter Arthur Myers, who was 21 years old and a resident of Monroe, passed away in Frenchtown Township. His passing occurred because of an accident. His maternal grandfather, Marian Yahn, passed away in the years leading up to his departure from the family place. To preserve his memory, Hunter is survived by his cherished parents, Cassandra (Roger) Neeb of Lambertville, Michigan, and David Myers of Chicago; one brother, Joshua Neeb, also of Lambertville; three step sisters, Kaylee Neeb of Monroe, Michigan; Morgan and Rachel Neeb, both of Colorado; his maternal grandmother, Carol Yahn, of Monroe, Michigan; his paternal grandparents, Harry and Patricia Myers of Downers Grove, Illinois; and several aunts, uncles, and cousins.
Friends and family are invited to gather at Merkle Funeral Service, which can be found in Monroe, Michigan at 2442 North Monroe Street. The gathering will take place on Saturday, May 23, 2015. It is possible to reach the funeral home at the following number: (734) 384-5185. Additionally, on Saturday, May 23, 2015, at four o'clock in the afternoon, Merkle's will be hosting a Celebration of His Life. This event will take place. Pastor Randy Bills, who serves at Calvary Chapel Circle City in Indianapolis, Indiana, will preside over the celebration as the officiant.
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