Keegan Fortenberry Obituary,A 10th-Grade Student at Calhoun High School Passed Away Unexpectedly

Keegan Fortenberry Obituary -  It is with great regret that we must inform you that Keegan Fortenberry, one of our most treasured students, passed away after an unexpected illness. At the moment that we are making this announcement, our hearts are filled with sorrow. Keegan, who is currently a student at Calhoun High School and is in the tenth grade, has been a treasured member of the Calhoun City Schools family ever since he was a Lime Lizard in Pre-K. Keegan is currently graduating from Calhoun High School.

There was a great deal of excitement among those who knew Keegan as a result of his vivacious personality and his passionate presence. Not only was he a student who was committed to his studies, but he was also a friend to a remarkable number of people. Warmheartedness, humor, and genuine compassion were some of the qualities that made him famous. Everyone in the Calhoun City Schools community, including his family and friends, has been left with a significant void in their hearts as a result of the passing of this individual.

While we are going through this difficult time, we would like to extend our most sincere condolences to Keegan's family, friends, and anyone else who is experiencing grief over his passing. The anguish of his passing is something that we all feel together during this period of collective mourning, and we hold his memory close to our hearts.

In the meantime, we ask that you keep Keegan's family and friends in your thoughts and prayers. We will let you know when the funeral arrangements are ready, and in the meantime, we ask that you keep them in your prayers. We have come together as a community in response to this terrible event to meet the needs of those who need assistance and comfort.

All of our educational institutions have social workers and counselors on staff who are available to provide support and guidance to any staff member or student who may need assistance. In honor of Keegan, I ask that you join me in remembering him, paying tribute to the impact he had on each of our lives, and drawing strength from the memories we have of the times we spent together.

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