Linda Owen Obituary - It is with great sadness that we must inform you of the passing of our beloved mother, who passed away after a brief and rapid illness. The knowledge that our mother is now at peace and celebrating a life well lived with her loved ones who have passed away brings us some measure of comfort, despite the fact that our hearts are heavy with the loss of our mother. We envision a jubilant reunion and a boisterous celebration in Heaven, where our mother will be reunited with people from her family and friends. A life lived by Linda Owen was a shining example of love, kindness, and compassion. The warmth, compassion, and unwavering love that she possessed won over the hearts of everyone that she went to know. All those who were fortunate enough to be in her presence experienced joy and laughter, and her family and friends will always cherish the memory of her.
Instead of sending flowers, Linda Owen made a monthly contribution to two different charitable organisations. The sponsorship of these organisations would be a meaningful way to honour her memory and continue her tradition of giving back to the community. She placed a high level of importance on these organisations. Your contributions to these charitable organisations will not only have a significant impact, but they will also serve as a wonderful memorial to the life and ideals of your mother. The love and support that we have received from our family, friends, and community members has been overwhelming to us as we go through this difficult time of loss and sadness. Your prayers, thoughtful words, and acts of kindness have provided us with the strength and solace we need to get through this trying time of mourning and remembering.
We love you, Mom, more than we could ever express in words. The love, guidance, and presence that you provided will be sorely missed, but your spirit will continue to be a part of our lives forever. The knowledge that you are at peace and that our Heavenly Father loves you brings us comfort. We would like to express our sincere appreciation to everyone who has reached out to us to express their support and condolences. During this trying time, we are grateful for the love and support you have shown us. May the memory of mum be a blessing, and may the legacy of love and kindness that she left behind inspire each and every one of us to live our lives with grace and compassion.
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