Michael Gill Obituary,Who Was A Former D.C. Election Official,Untill Passing Away After Being Shot And Badly Injured

Michael Gill Obituary - Michael "Mike" Gill, 56, a former election official in the District of Columbia, passed away on Saturday, according to the police. He had been shot and severely injured on Monday night in downtown Washington, during an hours-long spree of criminal activity in the District and Maryland.

Gill served as the senior vice president of the trade group Housing Policy Council in addition to being a married father of three children who had reached adulthood. He had graduated from the University of Dayton, coached the young soccer team that his daughter had played on in the past, and served on the parish council at Holy Trinity Catholic Church in Northwest Washington. He was a native of St. Louis. The intercession prayers that took place during the Saturday evening Mass at Holy Trinity Catholic Church were the occasion on which he was acknowledged.

We are keeping Gill's family and friends in our thoughts and prayers.

During this time of mourning with family and friends for this significant loss, we are unable to adequately express our sorrow for your loss through words. Accept our condolences, and may the prayers that we offer bring you some measure of comfort. Our deepest condolences are extended to you at this time.

You are more than welcome to send messages of condolence and prayers to the family and friends of the person who has passed away. Your contributions will go a long way in helping them get through this trying time. 

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