Mike Currie Obituary,A Family And Caring Man,Sad Demise

 Mike Currie Obituary - In addition to being a devoted family man, Michael Currie was affectionate toward all people. Whoever he came into contact with was enthralled by his warm and welcoming demeanor as well as his generosity.

Everyone who had the privilege of knowing him was left with a lasting impression as a result of his kindness, which had an effect on the friendships he had between people.

His ability to connect with others and make friends was a clear indication of his unwavering generosity. In the process of working through the grief that comes with this loss, the Currie family finds solace in the memories that will last forever of Michael. His love, devotion, and service to others have left an indelible mark on the hearts of everyone he came in contact with through his actions.

Even though Michael Currie is no longer physically present among us, his memory will continue to endure in the minds of those individuals who had the honor of becoming acquainted with him.

Family and friends are invited to pay their respects at the Alexander & Houle Funeral Home, which can be found at 245 Wellington Street West in Chatham. The visitation will take place on Sunday, October 23, 2022. Visitation will take place from seven o'clock until nine o'clock.

In addition, there will be additional opportunities to remember on Monday, October 24, 2022, with visitation hours ranging from two to four and seven to nine o'clock in the evening. In the course of commemorating Michael Currie's life, these events provide the community with the opportunity to interact with one another, share stories, and show support for one another.

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